The Power of Bed Making
Some people claim that if you're a morning person, wake up without an alarm and are outgoing, you're more likely to make your bed. While we're not sold about the connection between personality and this chore, studies show that 70% of people make their beds daily.
If you're a bedmaker, great! You're on the right track. And if you're in the "What's the point? I'm just going to mess it up to sleep again" camp, that's okay, too. (Some studies say clutter is a sign of a creative mind.)
Despite which philosophy you have about the way you leave your room in the morning, making the bed every day has a host of benefits, including:
Getting better sleep. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that bedmakers are 19% more likely to experience good sleep. Some theorize this is because you're walking into a tidy, welcoming room after a long day. It seems accurate—just think about how excited you are to dive into a cool hotel bed after a long day of traveling.
Improving your sex life. During COVID quarantine, one study showed that people who made their beds had 25% more sex than people who did not deal with their covers. In fact, over half of the people polled said a non-bed-maker was a dating dealbreaker. That's significant, considering 70% of people sleep beside a partner.
Reducing stress. Studies show that clutter and chaos negatively affect our mental health, ability to focus and relationships. While many people may associate that more with clothes you never wear or a "junk drawer," it also applies to your bedroom. Making your bed can help create a sense of calm and control and make it easier to unwind after a long day.
Increasing productivity. According to retired four-star admiral and author William H. McRaven, making your bed is just the first small act of success that can snowball into a good day. Though it seems like a small, inconsequential act, McRaven and others argue that it helps you start the day with a productive mindset. Authors Randall Bell (Rich Habits Rich Life) and Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habit) agree, asserting that the habit is common among highly productive people, including millionaires.
If all that sounds good to you, make a plan to give the sheets a little smoothing the next time you're in your bedroom. You just might end up sleeping better tonight.
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