Delivery Checklist
Here are a few things we think you'll be thankful you brought along for your big day:
- Photo identification and/or insurance forms
- Pajamas or comfortable clothing
- Slippers/socks
- Nursing bra
- Underwear
- Nursing pillow
- Toiletries (brush, toothbrush/paste, deodorant, lotion, lip balm)
- Headband/ponytail holders
- Favorite personal items (blanket, pillow, etc.)
- Coming-home outfit for baby and mom (For Mom, choose one that fit when you were around 6 months pregnant.)
- Properly installed car seat
- Camera and/or video camera
- Phone charger
We provide multiple things for mom and baby during your stay.
For baby:
- Safe-sleep approved clothing for baby
- Wearable blanket with a swaddle strap (that is yours to take home)
- Diapers & wipes
For mom:
- Sanitary pads
- Disposable mesh panties