Our Surgical Facility
Surgery at Lake Granbury Medical Center is performed in one of the hospital's four "surgical super suites"—operating rooms equipped with surgical equipment and digital diagnostic imaging technology. Surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses and surgical techs make up the surgical team.
During surgery, patients' friends and family are welcome to wait in the surgery waiting room. This comfortable area offers a quiet setting to read, relax or make phone calls. Waiting room volunteers are present to serve as a liaison between the patient's family and the surgical services nursing staff and can answer questions and get updates as needed.
Postoperative Unit
After surgery, patients are brought to the postoperative unit. Here, they recover from surgery under the supervision of registered nurses trained in postoperative patient care. These nurses maintain visual contact with patients and are almost never more than a few steps from the bedside. The anesthesiologist and nurse will consult often during recovery as they monitor the patients' progress. During this time, the surgeon and/or nurse will typically meet with the waiting family to provide updates on the patients.
From the postoperative unit, patients who have undergone outpatient surgery will be discharged to go home when the nurse and doctor determine that they are medically stable and ready to leave. Patients receive postoperative instructions from their nurse, and a follow-up phone call one or two days after surgery.
Surgical patients requiring a postoperative inpatient stay are taken to inpatient rooms when they are medically stable. These patients will recuperate under the care of a registered nurse on the appropriate unit—intensive care, progressive care or postsurgical unit. The nurse will work with the surgeon and, if necessary, other physicians, to prepare the patient for a timely discharge.